Become a thriving teacher with Teacha! Jobs

Sometimes finding a job can feel like a full-time job! Perhaps you’re unemployed? Or maybe you’ve found yourself in a role that you’re not passionate about and you’re lacking job fulfilment? 

Whatever your reasons, we’ve taken the schlep out of the application process so that you can find a job quicker. The Teacha! Jobs site makes it easy and convenient to find and apply for that teaching role that you are meant for.

Teacha! Jobs is an easy, free-to-use, self-service platform for browsing and applying for the latest teaching vacancies.

Here are some reasons to consider Teacha! Jobs as your go-to for job applications:

Use Teacha! Jobs for free

Teacha! Jobs is free. You’re able to use all the impressive features for applicants on the platform at no cost! 

Consolidate your application details

Once you’ve registered as an applicant on Teacha! Jobs, you can create your profile, and upload your details and supporting documents –all in one place.

Apply for jobs easily and conveniently

The platform is available on a desktop or mobile device. This means you’ll have access to everything you need to apply for a teaching job right at your fingertips, from anywhere and at any time. You’ll also be able to see the status of any jobs you’ve already applied for. 

Access time-saving features

Using Teacha! Jobs, you have an automated CV builder on hand to help you create a winning CV! 

Our customised job alerts will ensure that you’re notified of new listings immediately. Since thousands of educational institutions are currently using the Teacha! and Snapplify platforms, you’ll be able to apply to a variety of job listings from all over the world!

Find support when you need it 

Not only will you find tips and career advice for educators on the platform, Teacha!’s dedicated team will be there to support you throughout your job search. If you need any help, email us at and we’ll gladly assist.

With Teacha! Jobs, you’ll find that job in no time!  

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Our weekly mailer highlights all the best teaching resources (from original teacher-made lesson plans, worksheets, videos, assessments, and workbooks, to interactive lesson materials and more). We also send a monthly round-up of our most popular Teacha!/Onnies Online articles, providing you with ideas, tips, and inspiration.