Teach your students how to study

On average, 50% of students say they don’t know how to study effectively. 

Exams are around the corner and, if you haven’t already started, you still have time to prepare your students to ace this exam season. 

6 study tips for learners

Share these guidelines with your students to help them get ready to write: 

Understand your learning style

Not all learners use the same study methods. There are many different styles of learning, and the first step to studying is to find your style. An auditory learner isn’t going to get the best results from studying with images and other visual resources. Find out more about the different learning styles, so you can help your students understand their ideal methods.

Plan, plan, plan

Study schedules are essential for your students to keep themselves on track. Without a plan, it is much more tempting to allow yourself to procrastinate. Successful students also set goals! Teach your learners the importance of having short-term and long-term goals for their academic achievements. 

Beware of the social media trap

We all know how easy it is to sink into the social media cycle. It becomes a habit to pick up your cellphone the second your mind wanders from your work. Students face the exact same struggles. If your students battle to focus outside of social media, suggest a phone app that they can use to keep themselves in check and help with productivity.

Switch up your surroundings

Where you study is important. Teach your learners that it’s essential to find places that are conducive to concentrating and won’t contribute to distraction. Advise them to change up their surroundings if they find it’s not working for them anymore. If you have students who find their home surroundings difficult to concentrate in, suggest a couple of spots around town that could accommodate their study sessions, such as public libraries. 

Take breaks

Studying hours at a time with no break is just not realistic or effective for a quality study session. Advise your students to take short breaks in between studying to help them keep the momentum going, and their brains sharp. A sustainable guideline could be taking five-minute breaks every hour to grab a snack or take a short walk. 

Review, don’t cram

Last-minute studying is for a review, and not to cram! Too many learners leave studying for the night before their exam and then find themselves exhausted when they have to write. Teach your students to space out their study sessions well before their exam, and leave the day before for a quick review and a good night’s rest.

Study resources

Learning styles

This life orientation question paper, designed for Grade 8s, is a great resource to use to teach your students about the different learning styles, and help them find their own.

Study planner

Go the extra mile to help your students knock these exams out of the park! 

Share this weekly study planner to encourage them to schedule study sessions and avoid procrastination.

Printable planner stickers

Visual learners will thrive from this resource! Encourage your students to bring some excitement to their study sessions by using these colourful printable planner stickers.

We hope these tips and resources help your students reach their full academic potential!

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